Digital Trumf card and Trumf app ensure quick and easy bonus savings
NorgesGruppen's benefits program Trumf has been giving its members bonuses when purchasing in grocery stores for almost 30 years. New technology has led to changes in payment habits among the Norwegian people, and smart digital solutions are needed to keep up with developments. Schjønhaug AS has contributed to a fast and seamless user experience.
Text: Maria Vole
Digital payment solutions are becoming increasingly common in everyday life. Cash is rarely used, fewer and fewer people use physical cards, and mobile phones and smartwatches may take over as the most common payment methods in Norway. For Trumf, it is therefore important to facilitate the earning of member bonuses regardless of the payment method.
Trumf members save bonus points every time they shop at KIWI, MENY, SPAR, Joker, Nærbutikken, CC Mat, Jacob's and Gigaboks. Trumf has over 2.5 million members, and together they saved NOK 1.5 billion in bonuses in 2023. In recent years, functionality related to digital payments has been in demand among customers.
“We see that more and more people are moving away from the traditional wallet in favor of paying with a mobile phone or watch, and that was the background for the development of the digital Trumf card and optimization of the app,” says Veronika Holst, technical marketing consultant at Trumf. “We want to make everyday life easier for our customers, and we believe these digital solutions contribute to that.”
Fast scanning with QR code
Previously, most Trumf customers used to link their payment card to Trumf to collect bonus points. Since many people today use alternative ways to pay, the previous link no longer works. The Trumf app and the digital Trumf card were developed to make it easy for customers to register points on their purchases by scanning a QR code at checkout.
Andreas Schjønhaug, consultant and general manager at Schjønhaug AS, says that he wanted to exploit the unique opportunities that the phone offers to create a seamless scanning process for customers – such as the widget function on the lock screen and haptic vibration. “We wanted to optimize the experience based on the technology that mobile phones and smartwatches have to offer,” explains Andreas. “The work has been about making the process smooth with as few steps as possible.”
The widget takes customers straight to the QR code in the app so that scanning is fast. A newly developed function is that users receive feedback when the QR code has been scanned at the checkout so that they can be sure that the points have been registered. This is communicated both visually and haptically by the phone vibrating. Previously, customers did not receive confirmation that the Trumf bonus had been registered when making a purchase, and this is a function that many find useful.
KIWI, MENY, Spar and Joker also have their own apps where the digital Trumf card is easy to find – all you need to do is tap the icon and scan the QR code when paying. For Trumf members who do not want to use the app, bonus savings work as usual. Customers who have linked Trumf to their bank card can still register points automatically by paying with the card, and those who prefer to use their physical Trumf card can save bonuses by scanning it.
Meeting customer needs
A main focus in the collaboration between Trumf and Schjønhaug AS has been to follow customer feedback and develop features and solutions that meet needs. “We are very keen to listen to what our customers want and follow market trends,” says Veronika. “Paying with Apple Pay and Apple Watch has become very popular because it is so easy, and we will of course offer what customers are asking for.”
Since Trumf is a loyalty program, it is necessary to organize it as best as possible so that customers have a good experience and continue to collect points. “When you want people to use Trumf, you have to remove any friction and make it easy to use Trumf. It is about seeing developments and meeting new wishes and needs of customers,” says Andreas.
The Trumf app has many useful functions beyond registering points. Here, customers can get an overview of their balance and consumption, view receipts and discover the benefits that members can take advantage of, in addition to gaining insight into diet and climate footprint. In the app, you can manage your saved bonus points and use them as you wish, whether you want to transfer the bonus to a bank account, SAS EuroBonus or Strawberry – and you can also choose to donate to a charity.
The diet and climate insight in the Trumf app is a relatively new service that has been well received by Trumf members. It makes it possible to see the nutritional content of the food you buy, and you get insight into how large the climate footprint of the food products has. “Many people are concerned about the climate and want to gain better insight into their climate footprint when shopping,” says Andreas.
Good interaction
Since the Trumf app is to be used as quickly and easily as possible in everyday life, it is important that the app is neat, fast and well-functioning. The team needs to be coordinated and flexible to ensure the solution works as well as possible. “We meet regularly to make plans for what