Software development and project management

The Norwegian Post

The Norwegian Post is changing, and investing in new apps is the future

Norway’s postal system, Posten will need to make quite a few changes in order to succeed in the future market. An important step will be to digitize their services and make them available to the public through great apps.

Text: Bendik Agersborg Eriksen. Translation: Maria Vole

Posten tracking app on iPhone

Posten tracking app on iPhone

Posten needs to change in line with technological developments and customers’ habits. Developers such as Schjønhaug contribute to digitizing services that were previously performed at post offices around the country. For Schjønhaug, the Posten app is a big project.

This is a company that the whole of Norway has a relationship with, and which delivers important services to the public. That’s why the Posten app will be used by a lot of people over the next several years.
— Andreas Schjønhaug

A changing market

Posten has taken steps to adapt to consumer habits and the changing market. The volume of letters has decreased in recent years in step with increasing digitalisation of society, and the trend continues. According to Posten’s report for the third quarter of 2019, addressed mail so far in 2019 has been reduced by 9.6 per cent, while e-commerce volume has increased by 19 per cent in the last 12 months.

Jan-Erling Borowski, product owner of the Posten app at Posten, says that Schjønhaug’s work with the tracking app for Posten is important for them. The company has changed a lot in recent years, and the focus on parcel delivery has increased. Therefore, Posten’s tracking app needs to make the customer experience as simple and smooth as possible.

Posten tracking app on iPad

Posten tracking app on iPad

“Using the app, you can now see where the package is at any given time, order home delivery and see the size of the package using augmented reality. Schjønhaug and the team will in the future continue to develop the app with new functionality within payment, home delivery and delivery services,” says Borowski.

Quick feedback

The Posten app has been downloaded 580,000 times and has 123,000 weekly users. Schjønhaug finds it exciting to work on an app that is used by many people, and appreciates the fact that they receive quick feedback on how the app is working.

“We get feedback very quickly from users whether they are satisfied or dissatisfied. This motivates us and gives us a clear indication of what customers expect from the Posten app,” he says.

Borowski is responsible for the Posten app and says that Schjønhaug became part of an ongoing project and has helped to further develop the app from day one. Sometimes large projects can be a little complicated, but Schjønhaug jumped right into the thick of things and has ensured that the Posten app is well equipped for further development.

Schjønhaug has contributed to us having a good basis to work from, and has been important in the incorporation of new functionality in the app.
— Jan-Erling Borowski

Great, creative solutions

Posten wants to adapt to a digital everyday life and Borowski believes that the Posten app can be an important platform for the future. According to him, Posten has noted that Norwegian households are increasingly shopping online, and Posten wants to make it easier to buy and use services on mobile phones.

“We want to create better customer experiences and reduce costs related to physical services. Therefore, Schjønhaug and the rest of the team must create good user experiences and relevant services in the Posten app,” says Borowski

There are many benefits to working with a small team of professionals and creators. Borowski says that he gives developers like Schjønhaug leeway and freedom to create solutions in the way they think is best.

Posten tracking on Apple Watch

Posten tracking on Apple Watch

It’s about trust. Schjønhaug creates good solutions without us controlling the creative process in detail. He is also good at coming up with his own initiatives for new functionality.
— Jan-Erling Borowski